Saturday, June 26, 2010

Last day of gym

I went for my last session of gym at Contour's Express in Teck Whye this afternoon.
So fast, 1 year has already past and though I din really feel a lot of weight loss, but I do feel healthier and my muscles building up, esp on the arms and legs! I decided not to continue with the membership due to 2 main reasons - not a very convenient place to go and also since I'm going to start driving soon, I might not be able to go 3 days a week for gym...

I'm actually feeling really really tired today and almost couldn't make it for the gym. The reason is because I got a bit emotional yesterday after someone told me something that touched me deeply somehow. Though it was really nothing much, but it meant a lot to me. :)

Plus, after work yesterday, I went to gym and then met up with Maeve for dinner and KBox at Clementi. We K all the way from 8pm to 2am and I was half dead by then. We were told that we can have the room to 12mn, but I guess not many people went to K last night so we can have the room till 3am when it closes. We were so tired, we left before 2am. Really getting old. Just 2-3 years back I can K with Apple they all on a weekly basis on every Sunday from 7pm to 3am and still go to work on Monday morning without issues. Now, I can't... I slept till 10am this morning and still feel so tired.

However, it was really nice to be able to catchup with Maeve again and we have some ideas for Charlina before she migrates to Abu Dhabi with her hubby... :) And oh, after some find, finally got my mum an ideal backpack which she's been looking for. The old one she had, I got it for her from Taiwan years ago and it's dismantling. Glad that she likes the one I got for her last nite b4 meeting Maeve.

It's now 11.12pm and I need my bed badly!!!
Good nite everyone~

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