Monday, June 14, 2010

I need courage

Finally, after much thoughts and encouragement from quite a number of people, I went to BBDC today to sign up for driving lessons.
All along, I did not have the courage to drive and keep thinking I sure fail and jalat if I go learn driving.
But after much persuasion, I went today... In fact, a few weeks back I went to Popular to buy the basic n advance theory books to read up, but was never ready to go down to book for my tests and understand how the whole thing works...

Finally today after work and my gym session, Apple dear accompanied me there... I decided to take up auto (class 3) but Apple says it's better to go manual, and so I signed up for manual courses in the school. Though the school charges are higher than private instructors, I think it's still better to go for school for someone with so low confidence in driving. As compared, school candidates can book for circuit much more easier than private ones... And I think I really need that! Right after I signed up and paid the registration fees, there was a briefing session to tell you the overview of the course and it's pretty informative. And guess what? They provide basic & advance theory books as well (different from what I got from Popular) and much cheaper. But ok lar, got more better, at least can cover more.

Because the whole process took much longer than registering as a private for the theory, Apple had to miss dinner becoz of me. So sorry my dear! Din expect that... LOL... At least now, everything's fixed and I need more courage!!!

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