Thursday, August 26, 2010

My first practical lesson

Silly me! All along I tot that I have to pass my advance theory before I can book for practical lessons at BBDC. It's more logical isn't it? Since ATT will tell u how the car works etc, before you go for practical lessons. But actually it's NOT the case. As long as I passed the basic theory test, I can apply for the PDL (Which I really did right after I secured my BTT) and I left it there for almost a month without realising I can go for practical lessons.

So after speaking to ZQ before the K-session on Sunday evening, I went to BBDC to top with my $$ before booking for my practical lessons. I'm having mixed feelings actually.. coz all along I've no guts to go learn driving. I had my first practical lesson tonight and it was not as bad as I thought it will be. I think I made the right choice by going to BBDC instead of private.. coz I realised how the circuit really helps! Never tot I will be in the driver's seat controlling the car...

Naturally will be nervous and stiff on the first lesson and din have much chance to really drive a lot. Next lesson will be coming Sun afternoon, hope I can do better then! Gambatte!

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