Friday, August 20, 2010

My first visit to USS - Treat by Shihua

Thanks to my Shihua dear, I visited USS for the first time ever today! Though we din take the rides but we went to the nite USS to see see look look and had dinner there.

It was really a nice catchup with her as it's been almost 3 months since we last met. Hee.. Thanks dear for the treat, presents and most importantly, your company! Hee... I was telling her abt the opportunity I had and she encouraged me as well... Oh well, we'll see how it goes. Seems like now, more than 1 boss wanna speak to me, though I'm not sure what the whole thing is about.. and if it's to my advantage... I know I'm not good in speaking and asking for stuffs, so let's see how it goes... :P

Some photos we took at USS this evening earlier:-

The main entrance.. Can't believe even the queue to get the tickets for Nite USS is so so so long~

Shihua's fav.. :D

That's me.. Think I looked really tired that nite...

Our dinner.. Yummy bread... Thanks dear!

That's us!

Shihua trying on the different hats in the shop~

Nice pose? Haha...

I'm working~

It's so late, where's Cindy? Haha...

I really love this pic! Shihua even developed the $12 one for me coz I said it's nice~ :p

This is her gift to me.. from Europe~

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