Sunday, August 15, 2010

Still in state of consideration...

I'm still in a deep state of consideration of whether I should take up the new offer.
Some colleagues and close frens who know are encouraging me to take the step forward... But still, I cannot say what's exactly holding me back.. And the best part is, I have to give answer by tmr... haha... *faint*

Anyway, I took sometime today to visit granny in JB. Been really a long time since I last visited her, from CNY... Hee... I used to go very often, but after they changed the customs and the security in JB is not that good, I haven't been visiting as often as I should.

It's really nice to see granny, though her health is not good and failing her, pain here n there.. at least she's still mobile and doing good. :) Had a good chat with her and my aunties as well... I also saw my cute little cousins and nephews... Kawaii nehz!!! 2 more nieces joining the big family in Nov, so excited to meet them... Tsk tsk... Hitched a ride from 6th to come back home as she's coming to SG to collect some insurance premium from her customers... :D

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