Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Just back from JB

Yeah, I took 1/2 day off from work today to go JB with my parents n sis and just got back home at 9 plus!
My 6th aunt was in a really critical condition yesterday and in ICU... Glad she's now regained consciousness and recovering pretty well...
Indeed, one must really take good care of health properly... Who knows eating something wrong can cause a disaster to a kidney patient... Scared the hell out of everyone... Phew...
Oh well, at least she's now much better and able to eat some food... Must gambatte for the 2 young kids!

On a side note, it's now official.. My boss has tendered and 6 May will be his last day... What will my future be like, being in this job for only 6 months? Hopefully I can survive under whatever new boss whom I'll be reporting to. :(

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