Thursday, April 28, 2011

Taiwan trip - 20 April (Yilan, Hualian, Taidung)

We spent the night at Yilan after the night market visit at Luodong last nite.. The hotels so far have been good and nice! Today, we're heading to Hualian via the train and then a 4.5 hrs drive to Taidung, the hotel with hot spring in each bathroom!

The view from the hotel in Yilan

The outdoor garden of the Yilan's hotel

Pretty flowers just outside Luodong train station

Ways to kill boredom while waiting for our train. I actually started this first, then dad n aunt got addicted as well... Haha...

At the train platform


Hualien high mountain spring water coffee, it's nice!

Tribe shows in the Taidung hotel

The hot spring bath

Huge hotel room.. I actually had issue sleeping here.. Probably coz the room is too big

Nite view from our Taidung hotel room

Day view from the Taidung hotel

Outdoor hot spring.. Did not go as it was super cold~

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