Friday, April 1, 2011

Serves him right!

Serves that stupid flasher right!!! My dad caught him today...

Not sure if anyone remembers, but I bumped into a flasher about 2-3 years ago while waiting for my company transport somewhere near my house along a MAIN ROAD. Yes, a main road... I made a police report back then and din see that stupid guy who seem to be of low IQ for these few years, till a few weeks back...

I couldn't recognize him at first though I found him familiar so I let it by... He also din do anything the past few weeks while I was waiting for the company transport as there was an auntie waiting for her grandkids every morning same time in the same area with me - note: near a primary school in my area.. It wasn't until on Tues morning when the auntie din come and that stupid guy keeps standing about 3m away from me and kept staring at me.. Then he suddenly flashed.. The SAME way the flasher did few years back and that's when I recognized him as the same guy.

Honestly, was pretty freaked when that happened and I din run away, still stayed pretty calm but I was really really scared.. Thinking if he might attacked me or do some other funny thing.. Many thoughts came to my mind, shouting, take a pic of him etc etc, but I froze and couldn't really do anything... He ran away after 1 or 2 mins but I was still shocked and stunned....

For the next 2 days on Wed n Thurs after the incident, I walked till the plaza area to wait for a bus but I know that's too tiring for me.. So my mum got my dad to go down with me to the waiting point today morning and we're so lucky he appeared on the first day my dad was waiting for him... My dad did chase n caught him, but let him go after a stern warning as there were some aunties nearby who know that low IQ guy's mum... Sigh.. a bit regrettable that he was not sent to the post as that area is very near a primary school and I wonder how many girls/women he's FLASHED to! Damn! Aragh...

Wat a way to start my April's Fool Day!

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