Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Indescribable feeling....

I din go work today.... :P Was out practically the whole day though I din predict it to be so... heee...

Had breakfast at Yishun MacDonalds and then took a bus downtown. Had a very nice and wonderful afternoon till about 2pm and then decided to go AMK find my cousin, Teck. It's been quite sometime since we last catch up, so I decided to drop by there since I'm not working and chatted for about an hour with him. Congrats to him... his unborn baby is a boy boy... He's so happy, hee.... Can see the happiness on his face the moment I mentioned abt the BB. Pretty tough on his since his wife is not working and he's not earning that much from his current job. At least there's an income and he's saving up. Jiayou, my biao ge.... :)

Had wanted to buy a pair of croc shoes like Shihua, after she told me how nice n comfotrable it is... Especially my pair of shoes broke last week and got thrown into the rubbish chute. Was in AMK today and walking around but too bad I din see what I want. Bought a similiar pair of "crocs" but it's not comfortable and it hurts a bit. My right leg even cramped several times though it's been a lot time since it last cramped. Sigh... Mayb my dear gal can tell me? :P haha... Due to the pain in my leg, I gave up the thought of shopping in NTUC Xtra in AMK Hub and took a train back instead. Dropped at Yishun and took my usual bus... Sigh, that timing also so many ppl... From 3.45, waited till 4.15 then the bus came... World class public transport... hahahaha... :P

Feeling pretty tired after a day's activities today. I guess I will rest early tonight... Hee...


  1. Hey ger, wat crocs model did you buy?

  2. haha, i've no idea... I dun think they're real crocs.. :P
