Thursday, June 11, 2009

Koala koala...

Met up with my Shihua yesterday evening after work to catch up again. Thanks dear for the nice gift you got me from Australia as well as the McCafe treat u've given me last evening. heee.... :)

Before meeting up, I went to AMK to find my cousin Teck again. Need to pass him some medicated oil which my mum wanna give to my granny. Apparently Granny's been feeling sick again and she has very bad rheumatism. Hopefully she'll get better soon. After dropping off the medicated oil to Teck, I took a train back to woodlands, to meet Shihua. As she's travelling from her workplace in NTU and it'll take a while, I went to the pasar malam and bought 3 big packets of instant noodles.. Haha.. So heavy to be carrying them around... The whole shopping centre is so crowded.

Shihua is so cute.. when she arrived, she was trying to call me on my cellphone, but called my home number instead. She told me after meeting up with me... then when I came home after meeting her, my mum told me again. Mum was laughing all the way and trying to imitate how Shihua shouted out my name loud loud when mum picked the call.... LOL... so funnie... laugh till cannot make it.. haha... It was a nice catchup and we were talking on a lot of topics. I think the most interesting part is on adoption. Long story short, my dear friend's mindset think it's very easy for an adopted 2-3 year old kid (or older) to accept his/her adpoted parents... Haha... I still think ownself give birth one better lar... Unless no choice, then opt for adpoted ones.. We were chatting this topic in general, but it grew relatively interesting.. :)

Yesterday was also one of my colleague's birthday. It was Carine's first birthday in our helpdesk, so we decided to gang up and give her a little surprise. Together with Jess, Dharma and CL, we ordered pizza in to share among the whole team and I got her a small piece of cake. After the bday gal went to ladies, I got Dharma to hold the cake with the lighted candle behind the door and we expected to surprise her.... but that auntie........ looks so calm, I almost fainted.. :P Haha... anyway it was nice to have this "gathering and celebration" once in a while, coz it's never possible to have the whole team out for lunch at 1 go (we have staggered lunch time).

Tiring day today but it's nice and fun. I wanna sleep so much... :D

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