Monday, June 1, 2009

The weekend

The weekend has been pretty fruitful for me. After a long long time (like more than 1.5 years before I started my degree course), I've not really stepped into the kitchen for any serious cooking except the normal weekend dinner for the family.

Last Sat, I decided to bake cakes and make agar agar.... It's been so long since I baked, I forgot all about my recipe. Luckily I had it pasted on my fridge and my parents did not throw it away... Hoho... I baked 2 chocolate cakes and 1 vanilla cake. Also made lots of mango agar agar with friuts inside. Took me almost the whole day... from buying ingredients to preparing, to cooking, to baking etc etc. I think I forgot to take my lunch that day. :P anyway, it was nice and satisfying.. especially ppl are telling me the food is nice. :D

Then yesterday on Sunday, I was rotting at home as usual.. Heee.... Was online in facebook when I spotted Shihua online... Tsk tsk... we chatted a while there then she logged off accidentally and sms me. So I asked when she's going for her honeymoon. Appears that she's going that same evening.. LOL... Such a coincidence.... This morning at 7 plus, she so cute... took 2 pictures in Gold Coast and sent to me... Hee... Gal ah, it's your honeymoon leh... You shouldn't be missing me there.... haha... :P Later Mr Lee jealous ah! :P Hope you enjoy your trip and come back as a relax person who enjoyed your holiday. :)

I'm feeling tired and restless and very warm... the weather is killing me... :(

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