Sunday, December 19, 2010

My left hand won yesterday! I went and came back!

Remember my post yesterday about asking my left hand to play scissors paper stone with my right hand? My left hand won, so I went ultimately! :P

Not too bad.. though I predicted the causeway will be jammed up like hell coz of the long holidays and it's a Sat evening, with factory ladies going back to JB... I shopped around City Square for an hour plus while waiting for 6 aunt to pick me up to Cousin Queenie's place... I seriously have no idea now to go. Even if I were to take the public transport, I only know how to go granny's place.. But not logical for me to travel to Skudai and then come down to Pelangi again... So shopping lor.. Though I dun really like shopping, but there's a little corner in City Square that I alwiz like. :)

Reached there and din eat much as I had a heavy lunch with my parents at home... Saw the little nephews and practically went yaya with them and played so much.. Had a hard time chasing after 2 little devils... LOL... Aoyi has juz started walking steadily not long, so he keeps falling down.. After he falls down, he will laugh out loud.. Pengz.. Got a feeling he purposely do that one lor...

Went back to Granny's place and met up with my other niece Sally.. She's super duper cute and I even fed her milk and water and carried her for quite a while. I absolutely adore infants!!!

Spent the night at Granny's place and little cousins Yilin and Huaiyi (6th aunt's kids who are very close to me), wanna come to Singapore with me, but were disallowed. They threw tantrums till after 12mn and I'm so tired... And oh, Yilin got 2nd place in her class for the final exams... So proud of her... My student whom I'm tutoring also got 3rd place in her class! Sense of satisfaction...

Woke up today AM super early, before 7am.. Can't sleep well as it's too cold. My sis turned on the aircon and I was directly under it.. :( Granny woke up early too and we chatted on a lot of things. It's really a blessing to have a granny to chat with.. If only she's closer to me.. Not across the causway.. so inconvenient to visit. :( She's my only grandparent out of 4 who's still with us! Must treasure! Simply love the simple fried bee hoon she alwiz cooks lovingly for us.. Was sharing with my mum how amazing my Granny is.. she has almost 30 grandkids... but never fails to remember what food each of us like. Today she purposely cooked all the food me and sis liked for lunch! Awwww....

And ok, here are the pretty pics we took of the kids yesterday and today!

Me... Caught hold of little Aoyi while he's running around the place

Little Aoyi with his 2 yi-yis...

That's my cousin Queenie and her new born, Yanxuan... Big baby! So kawaii, but too bad I've no chance to hold her or take pics with her yet...

Me & sis w Aoyi... Aoyi says "oops"

Me w cousin Yilin & nephew Aoyi

Nephew Yan Jin... Yanxuan's elder bro

Me w little Sally after her night feed.. Poor gal juz had 2 injections today and was cranky the whole day.. Stupid burse use wrong bandage and her legs are so sticky... Had to clean up for her this morning before I came home

Beautiful baby.. Sleep in yi-yi's arms... And oh, I'm also her god mother! heee...

Burping Sally after her feed.. She loves this position as it gives her sense of security

Cleaning her sticky bandage for her this morning... My cousin's not very good with babies, and sought help from me..

Almost naked Sally, preparing for her morning bath...

Sally, having a nap after her bath n feed.. Stupid me, cut her hand wrongly.. Was helping her to cut her nails and accident happened. I felt so super duper bad.. but really lucky both my cousin n her hubby did not blame or scold me. :( Brave little Sally stopped crying the moment I carried her after I noticed her finger bleeding and din cry anymore after that... :( Bad me!

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