Thursday, December 30, 2010

Looking back - Driving

I never thought I will really go learn driving one day, and I really did! And tonight was my last revision lesson before my test on coming Monday, 3rd Jan.

Looking back, from the day I went to BBDC with Apple to register etc, cannot imagine I've really come this far... I remember clearly we went on 15 Jun and I was persistent in taking school instead of private. I've also made up my mind to take auto, but Apple persuaded me to go for manual and I DID sign up for manual... But luckily, the very next day, i regretted and went back to BBDC and paid $10 more to switch over to auto. hahaha....

Subsequently, I went for the theory tests and lessons (Yes, I mentioned tests first coz silly me completed all my tests, before I realised that I need to attend the lessons)! >.< Along the way, I was wondering how come I never get any instructor from my fixed group G8030, though from day one, I asked for fixed group... Kinda frustrating... Luckily, things started to change from Stage 3 onwards... All instructors who coached me were from my fixed group. :) Except for one instructor whom I'm super afraid of, the rest are generally very nice and friendly. It was only till beginning of my Stage 4 lessons that I fixed one specific instructor. And I had a mindset that all my instructors in my group were all uncles and aunties, till I met Tsang SY who was the youngest in the group! Boo-hoo... hahaha...

Ironically, the usually quiet me while driving, had a lot to talk about that session and Tsang was telling me of a weird old man he met in the lift at his block, so after that we had lots to chat about. And because of certain points he brought up to me which I find is very true, I decided to fix him for my subsequent lessons, except for the last one tonight as he's not working on the night shift...

Sim (the lead of fixed group G8030) took me. I think this is the 4th or 5th time he's taken me and he's generally a very nice instructor too. Very courteous and friendly. Actually, he took me once in Stage 1 and I find him impressive, but too bad he's the lead and we can't fix the lead as our instructor, else I'd have fixed him from Stage 1. Tonight, I was asking him if he thinks I can pass, and he said "Sure can lar, have more confidence, you are doing great!". I was like... err... hopefully I can do this well in my test also lor... But what he said did boast my confidence up. :) Thanks Sir!

He was also telling me, today there were 7 trainees from our fixed group who took the test and he expected 2 of them to fail, but in the end, all passed with flying colors! Wow, I'm amazed! He's also super nice, proposing to the school for increment and some badge thing for his team if the passing rate is more than 80% or something like this... I wish I can be like the 7 trainees who passed and get their license today! Can I? :P

Anyway, was blabbering to Tsang and another instructor, HH Ong, if I really passed on 3rd Jan, I'll cook some food for them. The food in the BBDC canteen, really CMI! :P We'll see if this wish comes true. :) Of coz I'll include Sim and Seetho in the treat if I passed! Hee...

Gambatte!!! 3rd Jan

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