Friday, January 30, 2009

CNY Updates

Well, I've been pretty busy over the CNY and that's why this blog has practically been dead... Let me update a summary of what was going on.....

Chinese New Year Eve - Praying, cleaning and more Praying
Woke up early morning to help my dad to cook and prepare for praying. Usually CNY eve is busy for my family. Lots of cooking and praying. Then after eating lunch, we will clean up the house, vacuum, mop etc. Shortly after that, we will prepare for dinner. This year I suggested steamboat so had to prepare the stock and ingredients.... After dinner, more preparation for the praying session at mid-night. Fruits, vegetables etc etc.... I also went by to Baozhu-jie house to pray, from 1am to 2 plus... Very tired after that. Thanks to TM for sending me & Apple home. :)

Chinese New Year Day Chu Yi- House visit & Granny's home
Slept in till quite late as slept very late the previous night... Woke up at about 1030am and was chatting with my mum in the living room. Then shortly, helped her to prepare lunch and I was the main cook for this meal. Basically my aunt (father's sister) came with her family to Bai Nian. After lunch, cleared up and then went to Granny's house in JB. Surprisingly, Granny also prepared steamboat for dinner... Wah, two days in a row, must stay away from it for sometime.. :P It was nice catching up with relatives and cousins etc. Stayed overnight there in Granny's house. They love to play blackjack every year.. This year, I no win no lose... hoho.... Came back home on afternoon of Chu Er.

Chu Er - Back home and tired
Got home at about 6 plus as it was a long jam at the Causeway. What a "brilliant" idea for the JB customs... Had to walk all the way in, about 20 mins before we get the passport "chop" then go down the building again to take the bus across the causeway. Those who've been there will know what I mean. Old people and kids... Will be most jalat... Somemore, previously if too many ppl taking bus, we can easily opt to walk across the causeway, but now with the new customs, it's not possible at all... It's at least 1km longer and everywhere is blocked. Stupid design. :P

Chu San - Doc visit and more cooking
Was supposed to start work on this date. But I decided to go see doc and gotten a 2 day MC coz wasn't feeling well. Had a very short but nice afternoon after that. I thoroughly enjoyed it though it was rushed... ;) After reaching home, found that my bro asked his frens over to celebrate - coz he no need to go to jail coz of drink driving offence. So last min, there's no much food at home and mum gotta go buy and I'm in charge of cooking.
It was a nightmare... Really... His friends stayed overnight and made so much noise, I think I practically din sleep at all... Really pissed me off... Luckily Chu Si not working else sure dead. Wonder why people alwiz do things without thinking of others... PISSED....... And oh, Auntie Chua, Auntie Chun-jie & Auntie Ya-si from the religious group came to our home to bai nian too. :)

Chu Si - 2nd uncle visit & Sis bf came
This is an interesting day. Again, I took over the kitchen and prepared dinner. Am glad they like my cooking and the food I prepared. 2nd Uncle (mum's bro) came from Sabah in Malaysia and visited us. They chatted with my mum and stayed for dinner. At about 8pm, my sis's bf came with his twin bro to visit us. Pretty amazing as both look alike. Seems very nice ppl and gentle creatures... ;) Chatted with them till almost midnight... By this time, already feeling I'm going dead... Haha... Slept in soon after and rested as i'm working the next day - which is today.

Chu Wu - Start work and busy terminating ppl
Wat a way to start work... It was not that busy this morning, till the CEO of company sent email saying that 3% of employees globally will be terminated. That's about 200 employees. So with this, everyone is busy learning the new termination processes so to aid HR in the termination process. Sad to say, I'm really feeling sick today. Sore throat, bad flu and a slight cough... Sigh... I wish like sleeping now. 30 more mins before I can go home and hit my bed... Peay for me, not so much work again next week with the terms....

And oh, will be uploading pics and photos soon of my little nephew... So cute... I wanna bring him home... hee...

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