Friday, January 16, 2009

Primary school friends meetup...

Met up with Maeve (Lingxiu) & Charlina (Xianxian) on Thursday evening. I reached there earlier than expected so I went shopping at NTUC. Bought 2 thermal cups, 3 photo frames and some other stuffs, total of $70. Din expect to spend so much, hoho... But these are necessities I need.

It was a very nice meetup session for the 3 of us. the last time all 3 of us got together was almost 3 years back! Gosh, can't believe that. Part of the reason is becoz Charlina is alwiz flying around, so it's hard to catch her to meetup. Our little gal is getting married soon, end of this year and it's pretty tough on her, with her future hubby in Abdu Rabi (Dunno if I spelt this correctly), but it's a place near Dubai. He's been working there for more than a year... Not ex to maintain a LDR... not to mention preparing everything for the wedding herself since he is so far away... Wow... Really amazing!!

After dinner at street cafe, we went to Mac for some drinks and only got home at 10 plus... really tiring, but it's worth it, 3 years meetup once! Hopefully we'll meet more often in future before Charline gets married off to Adbu Rabi.. :D

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