Tuesday, January 13, 2009

$$$ spent....

The weekend passed by juz like that.... While I was updating my previous post on Grad photos, my 6th aunt n cousins suddenly popped by, without informing us in advance. In the end, I had to logoff and cook dinner for them. The 2 little devils wanted to eat instant noodles, so I cooked for them first before cooking the normal dinner for everyone else.

After dinner, played computer with them for a short while till my student Joan, jio-ed them down to play badminton, so I brought them down at 7 plus for badminton, till aunt came back from market with mum... Then I had to psycho them to board the car, coz they din want to go airport to fetch their dad and wanna stay here till their mum fetched the dad then come back fetch them. It was a tiring night, trying to spill my brain juice over the dinner dishes and the 2 little devils... lol....

Then on Sunday evening, we cooked simple dinner, "cai dou fan". After cooking, jioed my mum to NTUC to get groceries and stuffs... I also got 2 cans of abalone and paid for all the groceries. I think it's the first time I spent almost $200 on shopping in NTUC... LOL... I guess partly was becoz of the many stuffs we bought in adv for CNY and also the 2 cans of abalone. I opened 1 can yesterday morning to cook for my colleague. Hope it's to your taste! :)

Workload in office has been bad since 2009 started, partly coz of the new viruses... Duhz... From the normal 50-60 tickets a day, now we are clearing more than 200 tickets and calls a day and each of these is time consuming... Well, at least our jobs are safeguarded right now... :P Hopefully things will resume normal pretty soon... Hectic might be good at times, but not others... :\

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