Saturday, January 17, 2009

Exercise... After a long break

The last time I went exercising was like... in Nov last year with Apple. Been wanting to exercise but lazy to do it alone... finally this morning had a chance to go jogging at the park near my home with Apple & her bf, TM, Lvying mei mei and Uncle Lee... Though I joined them late and din really jog, but at least it's a long starting point.

I was very tired after jogging a short while, so in the end, was strolling most of the times.. The 2 ladies really can jog, pei fu pei fu... guess it'll take a long time for me to slim down.... heee....

Then we went to have breakfast at Fajar... It was fun eating and joking. Then later, going to West Mall with Apple for hair cutting and treatment... Hopefully can be fast fast.. Previously need so long, almost 2 hours... coz that place is alwiz crowded...

Coming home to cook dinner later... :D

And oh, you-know-wh0-u-r.... Thanks for everything last night... Really really like it! :)

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