Thursday, January 1, 2009

Congrats to Jason & Xueying on your wedding!

2 of my poly seniors from the Buddhist Society got married on 28 Dec. Had meant to post this on my old blog since it happened in 2008 but too bad I've been having issues with it...

But well, I can alwiz update it here. Tsk tsk... It's really nice seeing the people whom you know getting married, esp if the couple got to know each other and starting pak-toring when in the same CCA previously.... It was also a good catchup session with some other friends whom I've not met for a long time, like Lichoo, Ziqiang, Shanting, Xingzhen etc...

Here are some pics we took:-

Group photo of all of us from NPBS. Most are my seniors here.. :D

Those sitting at the same table as me... :)

Lichoo, me, Ziqiang & Shanting

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