Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My ex-tutor... Ms Anna Li

This is a post specially dedicated to my tutor, Ms Anna Li. I remembered vividly that she started giving me tuition when I was in P3 becoz my maths failed badly back then. I still remember I got 9/100 for my CA1 and mum was so angey with me and decided something needs to be done...

That's when Ms Li was hired as my tutor... She knew that my family financial situation back then was very bad so she only took a minimum fee from my mum. From her teachings, my subjects improved greatly, especially Maths... tredmendously.... She taught me all the way till I grad in P6 and also continued to tuition my siblings....

That was not all, when I graduated from secondary school, she knew I was working all kinds of odd-jobs and so encouraged me to start giving tuition to kids... She passed a few students for me to teach and during a period of time when she was ill, I took over more than 15 of her students... Wow.. Din imagine I can be a full time tutor, juz like that... Would not be possible without her encouragement & help... When I was in sec 2, she also recommended me to her relative's bookshop to work part time so I can earn some pocket $ and lessen my mum's burden.

Up till the time when I was in poly, we were still in touch. Nov 2000 when I was in Year 2 in poly, I wanted badly to go to the US trip... She sponsored part of my fees and even gave me some US dollars to ensure I at least have a bit more cash while travelling in the States. I was so touched.... But sadly, after the trip, we practically lost contact as she was busy with family, work and church... It was only till recently that she bumped into my mum then we got into contact again. She called me this afternoon on my cell too, asking if I wanna more tutees... But unfortunately, I'm not that keen at this point of time. Feel like resting more first. Though the conversation we had was short.. But it was really nice and I'll always remember her as my teacher, deep in my heart!

Thank you, Ms Li... for everything since I was 9 years old... ;)

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